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Marketing matters now more than ever in today's innovation-fueled marketplace. It’s time to claim marketing as a key driver of business. Marketing focuses on customer needs and developing loyal relationships with them. Marketing creates revenue options, build and maintain company reputation, Track trends and monitor competition. Therefore, Marketing aids in providing Insights about business which drives ultimate economic development and corporate performance.

In the Marketing Discipline approximately 12 full-time highly qualified and dedicated faculty members are contributing teaching in both BBA and MBA program. More than one third of the faculty members obtained their respective PhD degree from reputed universities of home and abroad. They have significant research and publication works in world reputed business and marketing journals. Teachers are dedicated to develop their academic careers as well as contributing to development of students’ all round quality. All faculty members are committed to close engagements with students to improve their intellectual curiosity and motivation for learning.

A successful career in marketing starts at the Marketing Discipline of Stamford University Bangladesh. Marketing Discipline is generating cutting edge marketing knowledge through educational experiences to increases the ability of students to cope up with the modern marketing practices in reality. At present, marketing is about developing innovative solutions to customer problems profitably by maintaining ethical standards. The curriculum and programs of Marketing Discipline are designed and upgraded to provide students necessary techniques, tools and skills they need to be customer-oriented business leaders. The initiatives of co-curriculum and extra-curriculum activities of this Discipline is contributing to explore and enhance full potentiality of students and make them responsible citizens of the nation.


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